Rose Nacheca did very well for her MRI and cat scan on Friday :) The MRI was to check her pituitary gland. That turned out completely normal.
The cat scan was to look for active Tuberculosis. Her skin test came back positive for exposure to Tuberculosis. This freaked me out at first but we went right to the infectious disease doctor who assured us that the chest x-ray she had the first week she was in the United States was clean so his feelings were that she was not contagious or sick. He did follow up blood work which was also good. The CT scan was just precautionary because the standard treatment for inactive tuberculosis is a course of 9 months antibiotics. If there had been active infection and we treated with only one antibiotic that could cause resistant bacteria. But the scan turned out completely normal confirming what the doctor already thought. She is healthy and cannot make anyone sick! She will most likely start her 9 months of medication this week.
It seems like the more times we go looking the more things we find. She is iron deficient (not a surprise since there is very little meat that she will eat!) so she is now taking a supplement for that too. The next time she goes back to the doctor is on October 22nd when she sees the endocrinologist again. I am excited to see if she has grown at all. It will have been 3 months between visits so there should be growth!
I have not updated on Michelle lately. She is doing well. She has back on her Increlex, almost her full dose. We have to increase it very slowly to make sure her blood sugar can adjust. She is still having some issues with hypoglycemia but they are much less frequent than before we added the growth hormone. Her school decided to write a 504 plan for her so that every teacher she works with is completely informed and educated on her condition and hypoglycemia issues. This year she has only had to go to the nurse like 3 times with low blood sugar so we are happy with that!
Hope everyone is enjoying fall! We are experiencing quite a heat wave here the last couple of days. Friday it was 87!!! Lots of going to the park and hanging outside for us this weekend:)