Hello everyone. We are all anxiously awaiting snow here!!!! Dan is so excited to see Rose Nacheca's reaction to her first snow :)
Things are still going wonderfully with her. She loves music!!! She asks to listen to her favorite songs over and over again.
We had an appointment at the endocrinologist for both Rose Nacheca and Michelle last week. Oddly they had both grown almost exactly the same amount 3/8 of an inch in 3 months and both gained 2.5 pounds. Neither of the girls had grown what a child their age should have grown but we will take whatever we can get out of them LOL!
Rose Nacheca also went to the audiologist this week. One of the complications that can develop from this infection she acquired in utero is hearing loss. She does indeed have hearing loss. She has moderate hearing loss in her left ear. And minimal hearing loss in the right. She needs to go in and have a procedure where they sedate her and hook electrodes up to her head. They will put sound in her ears and then see how her brain reacts to the noises. This will tell them what kind of hearing aids she needs. This process can take a little time so we are hoping that we can get it done before her visa is set to expire. Although getting her visa extended should not be that big of a deal should it come to that.
Otherwise things are going great! She is tolerating her tuberculosis medication very well. It tends to upset her stomach so we are experimenting with the best time of day to give it to her. The morning between breakfast and lunch tend to work best. If she takes it at bedtime she does not sleep well at all :(
She is so sweet and affectionate. She learned how to say I love you so whenever anyone leaves or comes home she is waiting with a hug and tells them that she loves them. We all love her too!!!!!
Thanks for the continued prayers!